
Information according to § 5 DDG:

Industriestraße 52-54
D-70565 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 7825-30
Fax: +49 711 7825-4000

Executive board:

Peter Schneck
CEO - In charge of the worldwide operational business and for the departments marketing and investor relations.

Axel Otto
CFO - Responsible for finance/controlling, IT and human resources.

Supervisory Board:

Rainer-Christian Koppitz
Chairman of the Suvervisory Board

Register Entry:
Entry in the Commercial Register
Register Court:
District Council Stuttgart
Register Number:
HRB Nr. 19117

Sales Tax-Identification Number according to § 27 a Sales Tax Law:
DE 147 862 777
Tax Number:

Editor in charge according to § 18 paragraph 2 MStV:

Peter Schneck

Rainer-Christian Koppitz
Chairman of the Suvervisory Board

Tel.: +49 711 7825-30

For the imprint of the subsidiaries, please visit the local website.

The information contained in this imprint also applies to online presences of CENIT AG: LinkedIn, XING, Facebook, X, YouTube.

© CENIT AG holds the copyright for the entire contents of this server. All rights reserved. They may not be copied for business purposes or to be passed on, nor may they be changed and used on other Web sites. Some of CENIT’s Internet pages also contain pictures which are subject to the copyright of that person or firm who placed them at our disposal.

Registered trade marks

If not stated otherwise, all of the trade marks named on CENIT’s Internet pages are legally registered trade marks of CENIT AG, including the company’s logo. All of the brand names and trade marks used are the proprietary property of their owners.


CENIT provides all of the published information without any warranty or guarantee of any kind whatsoever, be it explicit or tacit. Furthermore, all tacit guarantees with regard to the marketability, the suitability for certain purposes or the non-contravention of laws and patents are also excluded. Even if we assume the information given by us to be correct, it may still contain mistakes or inaccuracies.

Additional information for imprint CENIT North America

Information according to § 5 DDG:

CENIT North America Inc.
691 N. Squirrel Road, Suite 275
Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326
Phone: +1 248 276-8540
 Fax: +1 248 856 2478

Register Number:
Tax Number: