Simpack | Dynamic of multi-component systems
Transient solutions for high-frequency excitation of mechanical and mechatronic systems, composed of a multitude of components. Even frequencies in the acoustic range can be identified. The individual components can move as rigid elements, but the consideration of flexible components is also possible. Starting with the strain of moving connecting rods in a combustion engine up to the analysis of the driving dynamics of complete cars. Simpack even enables the simulation of complex wind turbines and all this almost in real time.
PowerFLOW | Lattice-Boltzmann high fidelity solutions for transient flows
Do you want to optimize the chassis of cars or the shape of aircraft? Then PowerFlow is the right tool. Even highly turbulent flows along tear-off edges can be accurately depicted using the Lattice-Boltzmann method. With PowerFLOW, not only the compressibility of fluids is taken into account in the context of aerodynamics. Thermal and acoustic effects can also be studied with high resolution. Virtualize your own wind tunnel and investigate the flow around complex shapes. Even spatial currents are tangible in a short time with massively parallel working high performance computers and automated pre- and post-processing.
XFlow | CFD based on the Lattice-Boltzmann method
XFlow has expanded Dassault Systèmes' portfolio in the field of fluid mechanics. Like PowerFLOW, it is based on the Lattice-Bolzmann method, an innovative method for the analysis of turbulent flows. In addition to fluid-structure interactions with real moving solids, multiphase flows can also be numerically analysed and the development of free surfaces can be followed in detail.
CST STUDIO SUITE | Simulation of electromagnetic fields
The CST STUDIO SUITE is a product specially developed for the simulation of electromagnetic fields. Whether you want to examine the radiation from X-ray apparatus or ensure failure-free communication with smartphones, the CST STUDIO SUITE delivers reliably high-quality solutions for electromagnetic fields in a wide frequency spectrum. It stands next to the EM products Antenna Magus, Fest3D, IdEM, Opera and Spark3D and shows the wide portfolio of Dassault Systèmes.