Opesus EPN for EU SCIP Database Notification

opesus EPN for SCIP database is a comprehensive solution that enables you to meet your legal obligation to report under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD). EPN supports the end-to-end process of SCIP reporting within the SAP system. It is based on the proven opesus EHS Product Notification, which is already successfully used by more than 60 well-known customers.

As part of the revised WFD, a SCIP database for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in articles will be established. Articles containing SVHC will thus become more transparent for end users. As of January 5, 2021, it is legally mandatory for companies to submit information in the mandatory IUCLID format to the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) SCIP database.

Core functionalities

Core functionalities

Features of Opesus EPN for EU SCIP format

  • Generation of messages conforming to the format requirements of IUCLID for SCIP
  • Transmission of messages using System-to-System (S2S) integration
  • Overview of products to be notified in SCIP database
  • Efficient management of REACH SVHC
  • Effective handling of SCIP declarations from your supply chain
  • Management of all declarations to the SCIP database in your internal ERP system

Manage regulatory content of reach

  • Administration of substance lists to be reviewed under REACH
  • Import of REACH substance lists and content according to ECHA requirements
  • Mapping of REACH SVHC declarations to reference substances as described in the SCIP database

Creating dossiers for submission to the ECHA SCIP database

  • Generation of dossiers for SCIP in the required IUCLID format
  • Manual upload of SCIP dossiers to the SCIP database
  • Fully automated submission of data via S2S interface (system-to-system interface)

Keep track of submissions/notifications to/within the SCIP database

  • Identify reportable products
  • Monitor status of submission
  • Receive reminders to renew submissions
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  • Control within SAP which product data you publish
  • Always submit at the right time and according to the required criteria
  • Work effectively even as a team. Benefit from validations and efficient workflows for SCIP declarations within your supply chain
  • Submit your data to SCIP in a self-determined manner, protecting your corporate intellectual property
  • Optimally adapted to your SAP ERP and SAP EHSM. The SCIP database can be fully managed in your own system. Benefit from the use of the System-to-System (S2S) interface.
To learn about

Learn about the ECHA Waste Framework Directive and the SCIP database

Waste Framework Directive can be translated as Waste Framework Directive. The Waste Framework Directive (2009/98/EC) of November 2008 establishes the legal framework for the generation, handling and management of waste for the environment and human health. Its main objective is to ensure harmonized, safe and secure management of waste from industrial operations. It also aims to promote the efficient use of resources essential for the transition to a circular economy.

SCIP stands for "Substances of Concern In Articles as such or in complex objects (products)," which roughly translates to "substances of concern in articles as such or complexly contained in products. The SCIP database was developed by ECHA to manage information on such articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHC). It collects all the information collected with the aim of improving transparency on hazardous substances in articles for the end user, authorities and waste operators.

ECHA's candidate list describes and collects substances that may have serious effects on human health or the environment. These substances are also known as substances of very high concern (SVHC). Once a substance is on the candidate list, suppliers of articles containing these substances (SVHC) at a concentration greater than 0.1% w/w (weight by weight) are required to share this information in the supply chain and with consumers to ensure safe use of the article.

All companies that manufacture, import or supply articles for the EU market must submit information about these articles to the SCIP database if the articles contain the substances on the ECHA candidate list in concentrations greater than 0.1% w/w.

This means that information must be submitted on articles that:

  • are manufactured or assembled in the EU; or
  • are imported from non-EU countries; or
  • are to be distributed in the EU.

Excluded from this:

  • Substances and mixtures that are not part of complex objects.
  • Retailers and other supply chain providers who supply items directly and exclusively to consumers

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