Starting your career with a DHBW study program at CENIT

Two CENIT graduates share their experiences around the DHBW study program in business engineering and report on their professional development

Published 02/01/2023 | updated 05/23/2024

At CENIT, we make every effort to promote young talent. We treat our trainees as equals and offer them hands-on individual support. Our trainees take part in an all-round coaching phase that introduces them to our company but also gives them a better awareness of own their own interests and strengths. We asked Lisa and Andreas about their impressions during their business engineering studies at CENIT, and about the experiences they might like to share.

Starting your career with a DHBW study program at CENIT

You have both successfully completed your studies in business engineering at DHBW Heidenheim. What motivated you to take part in this dual studies program together with CENIT? 

What I find attractive about business engineering is the interdisciplinary approach. You study the classic technical subjects like engineering sciences, statics and materials sciences, but from a macroeconomic viewpoint. Economics modules help us gain an overall view of the processes that go on in a business. I consciously decided to go with CENIT because I thought that IT consulting would be a great way to apply what I learned during my studies and let me offer our clients all-round advice. 

I absolutely agree. As far as my choice of subject is concerned, I might add that I like to see myself as a sort if interface between different people, topics and circumstances. I like to read and think about new topics and pass my knowledge on to others, and my current position lets me do just that. Why did I choose CENIT? Because the company’s values were right down my alley and because I believed I would get the opportunity to contribute my potential. And I wanted to be close to the action, which I knew would help me learn about and understand the things that mattered.

After your studies, CENIT took you on board right away. What were your impressions during that process, and what would you like to share with future dual studies graduates?

Quite some time before the end of our studies, we had our first discussions with HR and our units about what our individual futures at CENIT could look like. Like Lisa, I also became part of my team during the last practical modules. And right after submitting my Bachelor’s thesis, I became involved in our daily business. My hints for dual studies students at CENIT: make the most of the personal progress interviews but also your own personal network, and ask your colleagues in the various units about what they do. Find out where your personal strengths and interests are, and what sort of job you would like to devote your time to.

Right from the beginning, I had the goal of going into technical sales, and that’s indeed where I am today. CENIT already integrated me with my current team during my last practical module, and that’s where I wrote my practical thesis. It’s nice to see that we’re still using the results of that thesis to this day. For me, the onboarding phase was a very positive and seamless process. What I would like to share with future dual students: during your studies, you should already think about what job would interest you. From the start, try to contribute actively to the team, take on specific tasks, let people show you how things are done and, if possible, go along on on-site visits. 

What are your current roles at CENIT?

I work as Junior SAP Consultant, as part of the product lifecycle management team. Together with our clients, we work out ways to integrate the 3DEXPERIENCE platform with SAP. It’s mainly about building optimal linkages between the two system by implementing the solutions CENIT has developed for that purpose. Our common goal is finding out how our clients can best work with an integrated landscape. 

We have the same job title, but I primarily come in during the presales phase, which is about technical consulting with the client. I’m also involved during the concept phase, in which we jointly develop specific client solutions. And in the context of internal enablement, I’m involved in things like our SAP design-to-operate program. Currently, we’re busy with lots of “on cloud” issues. 

You address what our clients and our business segment consider “hot topics”. What’s the greatest challenge you face?  

In terms of subject matter, the biggest challenge in my work right now lies in the different system landscapes and the ways in which they can be integrated. Essentially, each project demands that we rethink how we can best approach the task, what products we can use for the purpose and how we can best deploy the client-side infrastructure. 

There’s plenty of new topics in my field as well. I see that as an opportunity to help shape developments and pave the way in new, pioneering fields. We keep learning all the time and have enough freedoms to be creative, to connect our own ideas and impulses to new content.  

What do you like about CENIT?

I especially appreciate the fact that we work in small teams. That gives you the chance to find your own role quickly. And I value the flat hierarchies: I know that if I encounter a problem or have a question, I can always turn to a colleague, talk things through (ideally over a cup of coffee) and discuss approaches to a solution. 

In addition to the flat hierarchies, I’d like to mention the straightforwardness at CENIT.  We’re all on first-name terms, and that alone makes working together a bit easier. In short: We know each other. For me, that creates a pleasant working atmosphere and offers a major feelgood factor.

Often, less is more, and sometimes that’s true at the end of an interview as well. In your mind, what three words best describe CENIT’s corporate culture?

Future-oriented. International. Personal.

Future-proof. Sustainable. Uncomplicated. 

 Many thanks for speaking to us and sharing your insights.

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Swetlana Isaak

Swetlana Isaak

Communications Manager

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