Sustainable Digitalization

Acting responsibly, today and tomorrow

Published 08/22/2022 | updated 05/23/2024

We’re all well aware that we can’t go on living the way we do. If the global population keeps growing as projected, there will be about 9.6 billion people on earth in 2050. And if they were to act the way we do, they would need the natural resources of three “earths” (UN Report).

To prepare for the inevitable transformation, industry needs strategies and solutions for attaining all three target dimensions of sustainability: We must become economically efficient, socially fair and ecologically sustainable.

Sustainable Digitalization

Digitalization will play a decisive role in achieving these objectives

The crucial goal is to intelligently connect value-adding data, information and processes in a way that lets businesses act more flexibly, more innovatively and more responsively. This lets them think in a more proactive way – and gives them a far better foundation for approaching aspects like efficiency, resource consumption and reuse.

Our focus must be on optimal generation, exploitation and connectivity of data and information throughout the entire product lifecycle, end-to-end. Such intelligently connected information gives businesses a better understanding of their products, increases the added value they draw from them and thereby makes them more profitable. This too is sustainability – an approach to using resources and information in a way that helps conserve our environment.

Peter Schneck
ProcessMODSIM Processes

Modeling and simulation are transforming product creation. From niche discipline to flexible, high-performance value driver.

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WhitepaperTransforming product creation

Do you know the benchmarks for a product development strategy that is designed for sustainability while enabling management to successfully respond to trends like smartification and customization?

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With our expertise and our solutions for process digitalization, we contribute to making workflows in businesses and business ecosystems smoother and less complex, while boosting productivity at the same time. Our goals:

  • Reducing reject rates in production:
    Process simulation prior to real-world implementation saves resources such as raw materials and energy
  • Reducing error rates:
    Simulation and use of predictive technologies can prevent errors and plant downtimes, and also reducing reject rates and again saving resources and energy
  • Developing future-proof, environmentally sound production methods:
    Digitalization and the use of technologies like artificial intelligence and 3D printing permit the manufacture of new, energy-efficient products
  • Turning the product lifecycle into a truly continuous loop:
    Analysis and exploitation of data along the entire “life and use cycle” can add value for sustainable optimization
  • Simplifying processes to make life easier for us all:
    End-to-end digital process support can free up time for people and offer us all an ideal level of assistance in private and business life. Examples include communication of clients with their insurers in the event of a claim, using chatbots for fast, effective assistance
  • Leveraging the above process optimization potentials to achieve a sustained increase in profitability while achieving ESG targets.

This is what sustainable digitalization means to us.

Towards a future worth living.

The solutions we provide through our five business segments give businesses true digital information flow. We want to offer our clients the tools for simulation, analysis, document management and overall control – at each and every stage of their value-adding cycles.

Peter Schneck

Contact person

Swetlana Isaak

Swetlana Isaak

Communications Manager

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