Results in detail
During the 2022 business year, CENIT group generated sales revenues of EUR k 162,152 (prior year: EUR k 146,071/+11.0%). Sales of CENIT’s proprietary software rose by 0.1% at EUR k 17,710 compared to EUR k 17,688. Sales revenues in CENITs consulting and services segment totaled EUR k 55,719 and thus increased by +39.9% on-year (prior year: EUR k 39,822). This increase is to a significant extent due to the acquisition of the ISR AG shares. Sales of third-party software decreased slightly by around -0.5% to EUR k 88,139 (prior year: EUR k 88,543).
The gross profit (operating output less cost of materials) amounted to EUR k 91,995 (2021: EUR k 79,797), representing an increase of 15.3%.
CENIT achieved EBITDA in amount of EUR k 11,937 (2021: EUR k 11,278/+5.8%) and EBIT of EUR k 6,305 (2021: EUR k 6,234/+1.1%). Earnings per share were EUR 0.75 (2021: EUR 0.51).
Orders Development
During the 2022 business year, orders received by CENIT Group were now at EUR k 167,595 (2021: EUR k 148,845). Orders in hand on December 31, 2022 amounted to EUR k 46,054 (2021: EUR k 40,610). This underlines the strength of CENIT's business model.
Asset and Financial Situation
On the balance-sheet date, the company’s equity capital was EUR k 44,783 (2021: EUR k 43,645), representing an equity ratio of 35.3% (2021: 47.0%). On the balance-sheet date, bank deposits and liquid assets totaled EUR k 19,914 (2021: EUR k 26,361). The operative cash flow was EUR k 11,488 (2021: EUR k 8,236). Furthermore, in 2022, cash and cash equivalents were mainly affected by taking out bank loans of EUR k 23,000 to finance acquisitions in the amount of EUR k -27,927.
On December 31, 2022, CENIT group employed 861 (2021: 685). Consolidated personnel expenditures during the reporting period were EUR k 67,266 (2021: EUR k 59,686). CENIT currently provides training for 41 young professionals in various vocations. Among the trainees are students of the Baden-Württemberg Dual University (DHBW) in the fields of information technology and business, as well as trainees in the information technology segment.
At the Annual General Meeting on May 17th, 2023, the Management and Supervisory Boards will propose to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share from CENIT AG's unappropriated profit of EUR k 8,916.
A year of growth and increased productivity is expected for the CENIT Group in the 2023 business year. Before possible acquisition effects, consolidated sales of around 180 mEUR are expected. The EBIT forecast is more than 9.5 mEUR and thus significantly above the previous year's level, equivalent to an increase in the EBIT margin of more than 50%. The forecast is based on the assumption that, given the continuing challenging geopolitical situation, there will be no significant negative economic impact on our industry and our main customer segments.
The complete 2022 Annual Report is available in a German and English version on the CENIT homepage.