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What you can check out in the meantime

Customer Projects
Customer Project Customer Projects Gain insights into the Business Benefits our clients realize through Process Digitalization. Read about how customers, ranging from SMEs to Global Tier-1 Suppliers, evaluate their collaboration with Us and why they value us as a Trusted Advisor. Read more about
Blog A blog about the future of product creation. With strategies for new customer experiences, how to achieve operational excellence for cross-disciplinary processes and news about digital twins, AI and eco-design in the process life cycle. Read more about
CENIT Magazine
About Us CENIT Magazine With news and perspectives from the company, the CENIT Magazine provides informative insights and creates individual points of view. The magazine focuses on people, strategies and innovations as well as industry insights. Read more about

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Our most popular solutions

Solutions 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Dassault Systèmes' 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides manufacturing companies with a state-of-the-art web-based platform for innovation management, engineering, cross-company collaboration and business processes. Read more about
3DEXPERIENCE-SAP Integration The 3DEXPERIENCE-SAP integration solution developed by CENIT enables holistic digital process and data continuity across the Dassault Systèmes and SAP platforms and thus ensures parallel use of the two platforms based on identical data: whether on… Read more about
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cenitCONNECT Advanced Process Management
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Solutions SAP PLM Product Lifecycle Management describes the management of an end2end product lifecycle across all its phases. The product lifecycle is understood to begin with the very first product idea. It then continues through engineering, validation,… Read more about
Solutions SIMULIA SIMULIA is a PLM solution from Dassault Systèmes, to which special software products for simulation and numerical analysis of the physical behaviour of products are assigned. Not only the physical behaviour of mechanical systems can be analysed in… Read more about