In future (Fig. 2), the process unfolds as follows: The simulation experts upload the relevant PMI data they have obtained with the 3D model to the tolerance software. Changes to the PMI are again entered directly into the 3D model and filed in PDM (product data management). Once the engineer responsible for the parts releases the change, the process is already completed.
You thus eliminate non value-adding steps and avoid media interruptions that reduce your productivity and always pose risks regarding the consistency and correctness of your data.
Instead, PMI values for individual components can now be automatically input into downstream software applications, letting you digitally link associated processes.
This isn’t just more efficient, it’s also an urgent requirement if you are planning to expand Industry 4.0 scenarios in your business. But saying a final farewell to the last 20th century processes and going full-on digital with your engineering is one thing. To be ready for connected applications, you also need to consistently digitalize your processes.